
09.00-09.45 Chair: Valentino Cavalli
6NET: An IPv6 Testbed for the European Community - Bruno Ciscato, Cisco
Euro6IX: The Pan-European IPv6 IX Backbone - Jordi Palet Martinez, Consulintel
European Initiatives on IPv6 - Bernhard Fabianek, European Commission
IP Standards Update - Steve Deering, Cisco

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-12.30 Chair: Jordi Palet Martinez
Security Services on IPv6 Networks: PKIv6 and IPv6-VPNs- Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, University of Murcia
ISABELv6 - Juan Quemada, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Internet2 IPv6 Update - Guy Almes, Advanced Systems

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.30 Chair: Sathya Rao
User projects expectation from IPv6 backbone network - Sathya Rao, Telscom
IPv6 Multimedia Adaptive Applications in the Framework of the MIND project - Pedro Ruiz, Agora System
IPv6 services in the LONG network - Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefónica Investigacióny Desarrollo

Security Architectures for Mobile IPv6 - Thomas Scheffler, T-Nova
IPv6 in the IST @Hom project - Paolo Pastorino, Telecom Italia Lab

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00-17:15 Chair: Jane Butler
6WiN: IPv6 in DFN - Christian Müller-Böhm, University of Münster
IPv6 and the Internet Applications Suite - Harald Alvestrand, Cisco

16.45-17.30 Chair: Jane Butler
Panel Session - Harald Alvestrand, Tim Chown, Steve Deering, Bernhard Fabianek, Jordi Palet Martinez